Monday, October 26, 2015

deleted my original post

..because i was afraid of people reading it. 

"I've been worryin' that we all live our lives in the confines of fear."


  1. We are all afraid. But you should keep your posts. This is the journal not of your mind, but of your heart. This isn't sugar coated nor stashed away in some drawer this is a journal of the real you. Your real life. Your real feelings.

  2. I deleted my first post because I was afraid of people reading it too.

  3. yeah i'm afraid too. when we reveal our pen names i'm going to have to delete some posts...

  4. Thats what this class is about let yourself be free man the best way to not get judged is to not care. I don't I wet my pants last year on purpose my brother lukes got a video of and I didn't care. but that might mean I need help, but so what Im not a rock star
